i never have class or work on fridays, so this last friday i decided to call up my grandpa turley who lives in salt lake, and see if i could go visit him. when we talked on the phone, it was so cute! he sounded so excited and started making all sorts of plans and it was just too darn cute. and so friday i drove up there with my daddy and dropped him off at work and then went over to granpa's. we just walked over to the church history museum through temple square and then visited the museum. it was quite lovely and we were there for a long time, but i loved it! then we went to the top of the joseph smith memorial building and ate lunch. then we went back to his condo and i just took a nap before it was time to go get my daddy again.
basically... this story sounds prettty boring, but basically... it was the best day ever!
my grandpa is such an amazing person! it was fun just walking around with him because he knew like every other old person we walked by and it was just the greatest. plus, he is so much fun and has so many good stories.

te quiero abuelito!
p.s. when i was driving downtown to my grandpa's house, i totally saw russell m. nelson crossing the street!