good news!! my sister maddie who is a basketball rockstar got invited to play with the utah nike swoosh basketball club team! so she gets to travel all over the country next month playing basketball and visiting colleges and adventuring!! at first i was really jealous/bitter/angry, but i got over it and now i am so excited that she will have this awesome opportunity!
we went shopping as a family yesterday getting extra sports bras and new NIKE basketball shoes and socks and such. shopping with the fam is always hilarious. not to mention i got some shirts and a cardi for my mission! (okay okay, i know its a bit early, but 1. i'm excited and 2. its never to early to start preparing!) but seriously, you should go shopping with my dad sometime. its so hilarious! he is a man on a mission! no putzing around. no dawdling. get in, try it on, compare the costs and benefits to other options, and get out! BAM. haha it's hilarous. he has such a concentrated look on his face. its perfect.
also, last night i saw toy story 3.
it was perfect.
i cried.
see it.
p.s. carly comes home from burn camp today!! i'm so excited!!