Thursday, November 18, 2010

will you feel better better better?

dear blog,

i've been kind of a debbie downer lately (in real life), and that's dumb. and i wrote an incredibly negative post yesterday-- a list of things i don't like. who does that? (don't worry, i deleted it.) instead, here is a list of things i DO like.

1. b.n.i.
2. basketball
3. water
4. lists
5. my mother
6. the book of mormon
7. spanish.
8. my phone
9. seeing roy on campus.
10. seeing andrea on campus.
11. seeing blake on campus.
12. seeing anyone i love on campus actually.
13. the number 13.
14. sleepovers.
15. pogs
16. making fun of people.
17. ice.
18. cardigans.
19. isp backpacks.
20. ditching soc 330
21. cuddling with my puppies.
22. long voicemails.
23. being right.
24. finding out good unexpected facts about my friends.
25. wednesday lunch.
26. blogging.
27. my phone.
28. my family
29. successfully using chopsticks.
31. when i'm listening to ingrid michaelson at work and people (boys) pretend like they know who it is, but they are always wrong because they actually have no idea.
32. not shaving my legs.
33. shaving my legs.
34. hugs (but not from everyone, only good/non-awkward hugs from people i like).
35. happy texts.
36. flirt texting.
37. MAIL.
38. getting my hair played with.
39. making new friends.
40. making ugly faces.
41. making ugly faces behind people's backs.
42. hearing my voice and realizing that it's SO ANNOYING, but that people are still my friend.
43. low key dance parties
44. mexico.
45. men's socks.
46. men's clothes.
47. pulling leaves off bushes when i'm walking and playing with them.
48. wearing tights with tennis shoes.
49. dresses.
50. wearing dresses with tennis shoes.
51. waterbottles with flippy lids.
52. getting calls from ellen.
53. that one time my dad texted me.
54. giving harriet wet willies
55. cuddling.
56. yelling at people out the car
57. the color yellow.
58. october.
59. lowecase letters.
60. seattle (and the people i love that live there)
61. when people meet my family
62. meeting my friends' families
63. free anything
64. laughing
65. chuckling
66. giggling
67. snickering
68. hot tamales.
69. linford 5.
70. linford 1.
71. freshmen.
72. black eyes (on other people duh. not like i give them to people i just like them. i think they're cool)
73. comida yucateca
74. bows.
75. christmas.
76. singing REALLY loud.
77. screaming.
78. tights.
79. facebook.
80. candid moments with strangers on campus.
81. staring.
82. taking notes with a pen.
83. and drawing awesome doodles.
84. jesse mccartney/justinbeibs/miley. don't judge.
85. fresh chapstick.
86. twilight woods.
87. being barefoot.
88. realizing that people like you more than you thought.
89. singing songs with lyrics i made up and nickie gets mad.
90. movies.
91. RAIN.
92. snow.
93. sun.
94. wind.
95. casette tapes.
96. harvey.
97. taking pictures and then remembering
98. heritage halls
99. crying.
100. helping people with their homework.
101. laughing by myself.
102. cinnamon cookies.
104. upbeat music
105... and the list goes on...


p.s. this list totally helped (getting un-sick also helped) and i feel A LOT better/less grumpy today.

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